[412-public-news] Busy year so far. Yes, I am of the year-of-the rooster.

Come Live Over Here, News, People, Pointers, water


The month has been busy. Three updates below:
1. Catherine’s stories,
2. my new duties as executive director of a nonprofit, and
3. my presentation to California swim coaches.

#1) My wife’s fourth story was recently part of the national radio show,
Moth Radio Hour, and associated podcast. For a bit of humor, tune in. Tip:
the full recording of the show is worth the time as the second and third
stories are amazing too.

Full show: https://themoth.org/radio-hour/live-from-portsmouth

Just Catherine’s story: https://themoth.org/stories/shopping-in-china/

Link to all of Catherine’s online stories: https://themoth.org/storytellers/catherine-palmer

#2) I’ve got a new advocate role with a budding nonprofit to go along with
my local swim coaching with Pittsburgh Public Schools, the
Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation, The Pittsburgh Project and The Ellis
School. I’m now the executive director of SKWIM USA.


#3) My presentation with (slides, audio, and links to videos) to last
week’s Pacific Swim Coaches Clinic about game-play, water polo, SKWIM and
our approach in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, is now documented and shared at


Planning for summer is in full swing. If you think my efforts with
sportsmanship, teamwork, aquatic safety and aquatic fun can help you and
yours, email or come to the Saturday Swim School at Oliver High School on
the city’s Northside. We can visit there and better sustain these
wave-making activities. http://swim.cloh.org/saturdays/

About the author 

Mark Rauterkus

Swim, SKWIM and water polo coach in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Also the webmaster for the International Swim Coaches Association and a publisher at CLOH.org, 4Rs.org, SKWIM.us and a former small-press, Sports Support Syndicate. Former free-market candidate for public office on various occasions, generally as a Libertarian.

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